The coming school year promises to be Crespi’s best yet as we embrace the mantra that there are no problems; there are only solutions. As our students become lifelong learners in the twenty-first century, their creativity, resourcefulness, and adaptability become increasingly more important and valuable. Applying the MacBook Air as the ultimate tool for creation, our students will demonstrate the ability to remember, comprehend, apply, analyze, and evaluate new knowledge and skills as they engage in the creative and reflective dimensions of higher-order thinking. In many ways, Crespi students will experience the leading edge of education innovation, and the tools and resources at their disposal will equip each Celt with the ability to overcome those challenges necessary to build Crespi Men.
Beyond the computers and curriculum, the power of our small school community looms paramount in the Crespi experience. Drawing on the example of our Carmelite brethren, we celebrate our brotherhood and look to one another for strength. In an increasingly digitally connected world, we recommit ourselves to the human element of education – sharing our stories and supporting one another with our unique God-given gifts and talents. To maximize the reach of this human-centric approach, I begin this year by advising teachers, students, and parents of the three keys to success at Crespi: Be here, be here, be here. The strength of our community is best expressed in the lived experience of daily life at Crespi, and being here in body, mind, and spirit, students will reap the benefits of a rigorous academic program that has been designed and executed specifically for the students we serve.
Dr. Alan Swaney, Vice Principal of Academics
Academic Excellence
Crespi Carmelite High School strives to offer each young man the opportunity to experience success and to achieve academic excellence. The academic achievements of present and past students indicate the quality of the school’s program. Crespi Carmelite High School is by its nature a college preparatory school. Academic excellence is a hallmark of Crespi Carmelite High School.
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