Ninth Grade
2 Semesters
Physical education emphasizes physical fitness, cardiovascular endurance, overall strength, and motor skills.
Ninth Grade
2 Semesters
This course is for student-athletes in the freshman class. This introductory strength-training course teaches the basic skill sets and functional movements used in playing multiple sports and performance training. Some basic skill sets include hip hinging technique for lifting and squatting, proper acceleration, change of direction, and sprinting form; distinguishing between mobility and flexibility; and understanding the different Olympic lifting variations.
Tenth, Eleventh, or Twelfth Grade (Ninth Grade with coach's recommendation and instructor approval)
2 Semesters
This course is for student-athletes in the sophomore, junior, or senior class. This intermediate strength-training course continues to teach the basic skill sets and functional movements used in playing multiple sports and performance training. This course will work towards mastery of the basic skill sets and the ability to use them with more advanced exercise variations. When the class meets twice a week, students have the option to attend an extra training session either before or after school as necessitated by the rotating block schedule.Working in conjunction with the team coach, student-athletes enrolled in this course may be advised to participate in additional workouts with their team outside of school hours.
Tenth, Eleventh, or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters
The course is for student-athletes with significant experience in strength-training. This course is highly suited for the demands of high school football. Like the applied course, this strength-training course continues to teach the basic skill sets and functional movements used in playing multiple sports and performance training. This course will work towards mastery of the basic skill sets and the ability to use them with more advanced exercise variations. Working in conjunction with the team coach, studentathletes enrolled in this course may be advised to participate in additional workouts with their team outside of school hours.
By Recommendation – Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters
This course focuses on lifts, stretches, and routines that can easily transfer to the basketball court and movements that occur during basketball games. Working in conjunction with the team coach, student-athletes enrolled in this course may be advised to participate in additional workouts with their team outside of school hours.
Physical Education Faculty

P.E. Teacher, Asst. Football Coach
(818) 654-1331Email Me