Honor Roll

Honor Roll

Honor Roll
Awarded at Academic Achievement Awards Night in the spring, the Academic Achievement Award acknowledges students who have maintained a GPA of 3.5 or higher for the previous two semesters.
The California Scholarship Federation is a statewide organization formed in 1921 by Mr. Charles Seymour as a means of honoring outstanding high school students. Students sign up after every semester to report their academic record for eligibility requirements. Members must accumulate 10 points from the approved CSF List without any D or F grades during the semester.
Crespi initiated an environmental honor program in 2009 devoted to environmental studies and practical experience in outdoor leadership. The sequence focuses on scientific, philosophical, political, literary & theological relationships in environmental studies and became known as the Environmental Studies & Outdoor Leadership Program. ESOL has become a popular multi-disciplinary program and an important one for students interested in ecology, the sciences and general environmental awareness. For more information, contact Mr. Brian Bilek at: [email protected].
Established in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1921, the National Honor Society aims to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.
Moderator: Mrs. Nan Lehnert
Email: [email protected]
The National English Honors Society is an organization for students who have experienced the power of literature, the pleasures of good writing, and the excitement of language studies. As a tribute to Crespi’s beloved educator, mentor, and friend Mr. John King, the chapter was renamed “King’s Men.” The King’s Men have pledged to adhere to the motto: “Gelast sceal mid are,” which is Old English for “Duty goes with honor,” and they have promised to share their gifts and talents with their Celt Brothers and Crespi Community.
During the spring Academic Achievement Awards Night, students who maintain a GPA of 4.0 or higher for each semester at Crespi are presented a plaque for earning the Outstanding Scholar Award.
Science National Honor Society was established in the year 2000 to recognize the academic achievements of Juniors and Seniors who have excelled in the sciences. Members must maintain a 3.0 grade point average, maintain a B+ average across all science courses, and complete 10 hours of service per year.
Crespi’s NJCL Latin Honor Society is a special designation given to Junior Classical League students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and citizenship in Latin class. Latin Honor Society induction it shows prospective colleges and employers that a student values high academic achievement and has maintained proper citizenship. Colleges especially value language honor society induction because they are eager to accept students who challenge themselves in meaningful courses and who succeed. Students will participate in some benefits including but not limited to, participating in cultural field trips, access to NJCL cultural events, as well as eligibility for NJCL scholarships and awards. Upon graduation, student members will be considered former members of the Latin Honor Society and will receive a seal on their diplomas and an honor ribbon.
Here is the description of what the students have accomplished when joining (as read at graduation):
The National Latin Honor Society recognizes outstanding scholarship in the study of Latin Language and Culture. The students recognized have demonstrated excellence in the study of Latin language and culture, commitment towards promoting the learning of the language through service, and have participated in numerous extracurricular activities related to the Latin language and culture throughout the year.
Moderator: Mr. Bilek
Email: [email protected]
Crespi Sports Medicine Club is a part of the National Honors Society of Sports Medicine. Moderated by Mr. Bilek, the club is dedicated to create enthusiasm for scholarships in the area of sports medicine and other fields directly related to sports medicine, to stimulate a desire to render service in the community, to promote leadership amongst our Celt brothers, and to create an environment where Celts advocate and promote excellent health care. Overall striving to create a safe school environment.
The “Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica”, Crespi’s Spanish Honor Society, allows students to be recognized for their considerable efforts in contributing to the Spanish-speaking community of Crespi, taking challenging classes in the target language and participating in projects related to the Hispanic culture. Some benefits include, but are not limited to, a featured writer role in Crespi’s HOWL magazine, the traditional Day of the Dead celebration, access to SHH cultural events and excursions, as well as eligibility for SHH scholarships and awards. Upon graduation, student members will be considered former members of the Spanish Honor Society and will receive a seal on their diplomas and an honor ribbon.
Here is the description of what the students have accomplished when joining (as read at graduation):
The National Spanish Honor Society, “Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica” recognizes outstanding scholarship in the study of the Spanish Language and Culture. The students recognized have demonstrated excellence in the study of Latin language and culture, commitment towards promoting the learning of the Spanish language through service, and have participated in numerous extracurricular activities related to the Latin language and culture throughout the year.
The Société Honoraire de Français, Crespi’s French Honor Society, allows students to be recognized for their considerable efforts by contributing to the French-speaking community of Crespi, leading new French-related projects, and participating in cultural events. Some benefits include but are not limited to a prominent role in Crespi’s French online magazine, access to SHF-only competitions and events, as well as eligibility for SHF scholarships and awards. Once graduated, the student members will then be considered as former members of the French Honorary Society and will receive a seal on their diploma and their ribbons of honor.
Here is the description of what the students have accomplished when joining (as read at graduation):
The National French Honor Society recognizes outstanding scholarship in the study of Spanish. The students recognized have demonstrated excellence in the study of French, commitment towards promoting the learning of the language through service, and have participated in numerous extracurricular activities related to the French language and the Francophone world.