"The Strength & Conditioning program at Crespi Carmelite High School serves all 14 athletic programs through strength & conditioning courses and before and after school programs. The Student Wellness program serves the entire student body including faculty and staff. In conjunction with the counseling department, we look to foster the development of the mind, body and soul."
Our highest goal is to provide research-based training that builds the “complete” student-athlete capable of competing in sports at the highest level and to help our student-athletes learn discipline, teamwork, and responsibility while developing confidence and a strong work ethic.
Our training programs are designed to develop both physical and mental toughness with the overall goals of performance enhancement & injury prevention. Crespi Carmelite High School student-athletes and the strength and conditioning staff have very high expectations. Much of what is done in the weight room is designed to seamlessly integrate with the mission of the school while striving for athletic excellence.
Training Objectives
Training Philosophy
We will perform a variety of exercises and increase resistance levels progressively. Some of the variety in our training includes performing Olympic lift variations, plyometrics, powerlifting, body weight training, and medicine ball circuits. Most people understand the value of enhancing strength, power, and speed, but not many understand mobility and stability. Joint stability is the foundation for developing strong muscles that surround a joint which helps prevents injury and enhance performance. Joint mobility is the foundation for developing efficient movement, which also helps prevent injury and enhance performance. Therefore, joint stability and mobility will be a daily training focus.
Strength & Conditioning Resources
NSCA – Long Term Athletic Development
Student Wellness
Mission of Wellness
Students, staff, and families across the country face increasing health risks that can affect their wellness and ultimately their quality of life and life span. At Crespi Carmelite High School, we recognize the critical relationship between student health and student achievement in academics and athletics. We are committed to empowering students, staff, parents, and our community with the education and the environment that supports a healthy, productive life. Our mission is to incorporate activities and events into the school curriculum that will enhance learning, encourage healthy lifestyles, build camaraderie, and provide support and motivation for the Crespi community.
Crespi Carmelite High School seeks to promote wellness by supporting the following six components of the total learning environment: nutrition, regular physical activity, social, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual health. Short and long-term benefits of our wellness program include fostering the overall development of the mind, body and spirit, improved student attendance, improved academic performance, improved athletic performance, motivation to become better self-managers of healthy lifestyle choices, develop and practice strategies to better cope with social/emotional stress and empowering life-long adoption of healthy behaviors.
In the area of proper nutrition, studies show that there is a link between nutrition and cognitive and physical functioning. In addition, many of the leading causes of death in the United States such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, obesity, hypertension, and cancer have a nutrition-related component.
Recently, we have reviewed our school food and beverage offering with students, staff, and parents and have taken further steps toward the goal of improving the quality of nutrition on campus. Below are several helpful links to help educate and improve nutrition choices.
Wellness Resources
Crespi Nutrition Playbook
Written by our very own Jess Garner, "The goal of the “Fuel Up” program is to boost academic, athletic, and long-life performance by educating our Crespi Community about nutrition and encouraging the adoption of healthier eating habits."
CPSDA empowers its members to be the authority in Sports Nutrition.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers information on nutrition and health, from meal planning and prep to choices that can help prevent or manage health conditions and more.
- Food, Drink & Supplements
- Be Nice to Your Liver
- Exercise, Sleep, Stress, Sunshine & Hygiene
Strength & Wellness Team