Biology (required)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Ninth Grade
2 Semesters

This course is the study of all living things. Understanding life and life processes depends on the mastery of unifying principles and concepts applicable to life at all levels of organizations. Emphasis is on the fundamental unity of the diversity of life forms and major life processes. Inquiry-based labs that include the use of research, collaboration, problem-solving, technologies, and experimental techniques are an integral part of this course.

Honors Biology (fulfills requirement)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Ninth Grade
2 Semesters

This course is the study of all living things. Understanding life and life processes depend on mastery of unifying principles and concepts applicable to life at all levels of organizations. Emphasis is on the fundamental unity in the diversity of life forms and major life processes. This course demands more from students and the subject material pace is accelerated. Inquiry-based labs that include the use of research, collaboration, problem-solving, technologies, and experimental techniques are an integral part of this course.

Prerequisite: Top 20% of the Entrance Exam or a sufficient on the Proficiency Exam.

AP Biology (Fulfills Requirement)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Eleventh and Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

This course provides an opportunity for students to accelerate their study of biology to an introductory college level and to prepare for the required Advanced Placement examination in Biology, administered in May. It is organized into four Big Ideas: Evolution, Information, Energy, and System. Students will be required to read several chapters a week, participate in class discussions, and review journal articles. Inquiry based labs that include the use of research, collaboration, problem solving, technologies, and experimental techniques are an integral part of this course. Assessment will be based on written examination, laboratory reports, classroom participation, and the independent research assignment.

Prerequisite: Mark of B or better in Honors Biology or an A in Biology. Students must have completed Chemistry or AP Chemistry or be concurrently enrolled in a Chemistry course. Department Recommendation required.

Chemistry (Fulfills requirement)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Tenth, Eleventh, or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

Chemistry entails the study of matter, its properties, and how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances. This course is central for students wishing to pursue careers in science, medicine, engineering, physical education, and psychology. It is a full-year course where science, laboratory, and mathematical skills will be challenged. Students study the fundamental terms and concepts of chemistry, with special emphasis on atomic structure, chemical bonding, energy relationships, and the periodic table. Course development is strongly based on experiment, use of scientific concepts, collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, use of technology and writing skills.

Prerequisite: C or better in Biology

Honors Chemistry (fulfills Requirement)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Tenth, Eleventh, or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

Chemistry entails the study of matter, its properties, and how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances. This course is central for students wishing to pursue careers in science, medicine, engineering, physical education, and psychology. It is a full-year course where science, laboratory, and mathematical skills will be challenged. Students study the fundamental terms and concepts of chemistry, with special emphasis on atomic structure, chemical bonding, energy relationships, and the periodic table. Course development is strongly based on experiment, use of scientific concepts, collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, use of technology and writing skills. This course demands more from students and the subject material pace is accelerated.

Prerequisite: B or better in Honors Biology or A in Biology; and Department Recommendation.

Biochemistry (Elective)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Eleventh or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

Biochemistry is the application of chemistry to the study of biological processes at the cellular and molecular levels. The biochemist seeks to determine how specific molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, vitamins, and hormones function in such processes. Particular emphasis is placed on the regulation of chemical reactions in living cells. Biochemistry has become the foundation for understanding all biological processes. It has provided explanations for the causes of many diseases in humans, animals, and plants. It can frequently suggest Ways by which such diseases may be treated or cured.
Assessment will be based on Written examination, laboratory reports, classroom participation, independent research assignment, and Science projects.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Biology and Honors Chemistry with a grade of B or higher (or A's in both Biology and Chemistry).

AP Chemistry (fulfills requirement)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Eleventh or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

The AP Chemistry course is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of college. This course is structured around the six big ideas articulated in the AP Chemistry curriculum framework provided by the College Board. Students are assigned at least 1 hour of homework per class session. Throughout the year students will participate in laboratory investigations that emphasize and reinforce important topics that are covered throughout the course. Students will learn useful chemistry laboratory techniques, gain the ability to formulate experimental questions, design scientific experiments, effectively articulate scientific findings, conduct error and statistical analysis, and strengthen their understanding of course material. Emphasis is placed on the depth of understanding of a topic, rather than the breadth of topics. Students should possess the ability to read and interpret what a question is asking and be able to produce well-structured, concise, and supported responses in a timely manner. Course text is a college-level textbook.

Prerequisite: B or better in Honors Chemistry or an A in Chemistry. A or B in Algebra 2. Students must have completed Biology or Honors Biology as well. Department Recommendation is required.

PHysics (fulfils requirement)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Eleventh or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

This course is strongly rooted in the concepts of physics and its mathematical applications. It covers basic principles of mechanics and dynamics (motion and forces), energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, and modern physics including Einstein’s Relativity. Students will learn by means of lab experiments, mathematical derivation, and a Socratic dialogue in the classroom.
Course development is strongly based on experiments, the use of scientific concepts, collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, and the use of technology.

Prerequisite: Must be at least concurrently enrolled in Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2/Trig.

AP PHYS C: Mechanics (elective)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Eleventh or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

This course is for any student interested in possible college majors or careers in physical science or engineering. Students will learn about the following six content areas: kinematics; Newton's laws of motion; work, energy, and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; circular motion and rotation; and oscillations and gravitation.

Prerequisite: Mark of C or better in Honors Precalculus. Concurrent enrollment in AP Calculus AB or BC. Department Recommendation required.

AP PHYS C: electromagnetism (elective)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Eleventh or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

This course is for any student interested in possible college majors or careers in physical science or engineering. Students will learn about the following content areas: electrostatics, ac and dc circuits, and magnetism.

Prerequisite: Mark of C or better in AP Physics C: M and AP Calculus AB. Concurrent enrollment in AP Calculus BC. Science Department Recommendation required.

PHysiology (elective)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Eleventh or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

Anatomy and physiology will enable students to develop an understanding of the relationships between the structures and functions of the human body. Students will learn various aspects of human systems such as the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive, and reproductive systems. The course includes an analysis of structure, function, and chemistry of individual body systems.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology

Astronomy (elective)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Eleventh or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

This course will explore our place in the universe. The course will examine our home planet and the Moon; the Sun, planets, and solar system; the Milky Way Galaxy; stars and Stellar evolution; and, galaxies, and the large-scale structure of the universe. Students will be required to complete some astronomical observations.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Geometry and Chemistry with a mark of C or better in both courses.

Zoology (elective)

(Meets UC and Cal State University Requirements)
Eleventh or Twelfth Grade
2 Semesters

This course is focused on concepts of Zoology and wildlife ecology. It covers the ecological aspects and evolution of a variety of animal families. Strong emphasis on a scientific approach with a project-based learning environment.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology

Science Faculty

Dr. Sherry Brahim
Dr. Sherry BrahimSTEM Department Chair
Rodney Olson
Rodney Olson STEM: Math Lead Teacher
John Anselmo
John Anselmo Science Teacher
Head Volleyball Coach
Lana Saykali
Lana Saykali Science Teacher